Friday, November 21, 2014

The Gospel Is Not A Product

There is no excuse for poor preaching. Neither is there any justification for an unfriendly or self-righteous church. However, the reason is not what we might think in today’s culture. Good preaching and a friendly, humble church atmosphere are not “tools” for church growth. They are not packaging for selling a product to a consumer base.

This matter of packaging is more important and sinister than we want to realize. If we do realize it we also realize our vulnerability and the hypocrisy of trying to play the game. A friend who works for a major corporation said something like this not long ago, “Our company had a reputation for making a reliable product. Now the name of the game is how to cut costs in production so we can make money on the packaging.” A friend in another country described a man who raised carrots not for the sake of selling carrots but as a means of selling the packages which contained them. That's where the money was.

The driving force behind good preaching is not the building up of a clientele or the creation of a monument. The driving force is the mercy of God received by the preacher which makes him want to express God and God’s Word in its full, dynamic reality. His is the heart described by one who said he was “a dying man preaching to dying men."

The driving force behind a friendly and humble congregation is not to persuade customers that they have a good product. It is, rather, the natural atmosphere of individuals who have received God’s mercy and, with it, God’s Spirit which creates in them a stand-on-this-hill dedication to truth, a logical attachment to each other as mercy receivers and an empathy for those who need the same mercy even though most may not want it.

PREVIOUS:  We Were Warned

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